Always with me, now with you
Why are you staring at the keyboard? I want to type something but can’t figure out what to type. Sounds like you are confused Yes, I am confused. Why do you think you are confused? There are too many things happening at the same time, that is why, I guess. Are you guessing or are you sure about it? No, I am not sure about it. Then what are you sure about? I am sure that I want to write something. What is it that you want to write? I don’t know. A story? May be May be? You are still confused Fine, I will write a story. What kind of story? I don’t know Are you this unsure all the time? Yes, I am. Finally, something that you are sure of! Stop. Get out of my mind and let me type. Whatever!! Is he gone? I begin to wonder as I begin to type. The sound of the keyboard slowly started to occupy the room. The silence started to creep in as I started to delve in my story. A hot summer afternoon in Imphal can be sweltering at times making you sweat eve...