Always with me, now with you
Why are you staring at the keyboard?
I want to type something but can’t figure out what to type.
Sounds like you are confused
Yes, I am confused.
Why do you think you are confused?
There are too many things happening at the same time, that is why, I guess.
Are you guessing or are you sure about it?
No, I am not sure about it.
Then what are you sure about?
I am sure that I want to write something.
What is it that you want to write?
I don’t know. A story? May be
May be? You are still confused
Fine, I will write a story.
What kind of story?
I don’t know
Are you this unsure all the time?
Yes, I am.
Finally, something that you are sure of!
Stop. Get out of my mind and let me type.
Is he gone? I begin to wonder as I begin to type. The sound of the keyboard slowly started to occupy the room. The silence started to creep in as I started to delve in my story. A hot summer afternoon in Imphal can be sweltering at times making you sweat even while you are just sitting and reading a book. However, in this sweltering heat, a gentle breeze is all you need to cool down so that you could concentrate.
Oh Damn, I can’t concentrate, it is too hot. I need to take a bath.
What? You already gave up?
Oh, there you are, back again to remind me of my inability to write, questioning me all the time. Bugger
I will always question you, my dear. I am you
How can you be me? You are so not me. You always remind me of the man people want me to be, the quintessential “perfect” man.
Oh, do I?
Oh yes, you do. You are always telling me to think before doing anything. You are always there to question my confidence when I want to do anything. You are always there to stop me from almost everything that I want to do.
But you have always done what you wanted to do. You never listened to me.
That is the point, why should I listen to you? Why are you here?
I can’t leave you, buddy. I am just inseparable from you. I will be there wherever you are.
Oh, bugger off, leave me alone.
Oh hello, why are you talking to yourself? What happened? Deepak Asked as he closed the door.
Oh no, I wasn’t. It was just. Forget it. How are you? What’s up? Have a seat. I said as I opened the fridge door.
“Nothing much, just came by to see how you are doing, I mean, last night was a sad scene. You should not have hit him, man. I mean, he is your friend.” Deepak started to rumble while I poured a glass of water.
See? Now he is here to tell you how you should behave in public.
Go away!
“What do you mean I should not have hit him? He is not my friend. I just know him. What was I supposed to do when I was provoked so much? I will hit if he does it again.” I said as I sat down the sofa. “Oh, you want anything to drink?” I continued.
What are you answering? Think before you answer
“No man, I am cool, I just had lunch, late lunch. But anyway, let’s not argue about yesterday any further. People must be scared of you by now. The way you hit him, we thought he is going to die man” Deepak said as he took out a pack of cigarette from his pocket.
Good if he was dead. That’s not a good thought. You should forgive and forget. Oh shut up
“I don’t see any reason for people to be afraid of me. I reacted to the provocation and besides any man would react if his wife is getting teased. So what if he was her ex-boyfriend. He should have sat there quietly.” I said as I took a sip of water. “Who invited him to the party, by the way?”
Rajesh. Deepak replied.
That asshole.
“But why? He is not even amongst our friend circle” I asked.
“He is Rajesh’s brother in law” Deepak replied.
“What? He is married to Reshma?” I quipped. I didn’t know this.
“How would you? You have been away for a long time dude?” Deepak replied.
See? This is what you lose when you are out of your home for a long time. Urrghhh
“So, what’s your plan for the evening? Where is your wife?” Deepak asked
“I have no plans. She is upstairs taking a nap”
“OK, I got to go now, I just came to see how you are doing, don’t take this forward and make a scene out of it again. Ok?” he said as he opened the door.
Ok man. Bye.
See? How people see you? React to your reaction? Judge you? What are you going to do? What are you say to your wife? What is she going to think about you? How are you going to face her?
Hmmmm, I don’t have to face her at all. Never.
Because she is with you.