The true Indian

Let’s see, this one might be a little controversial, but what the heck. J

This one is about how true an Indian are you. Does not mean to be right or wrong, just an opinion.

Here we go,

You are at a traffic signal, you are at the 3rd or the 4th row of the stop, the lights turn green and the moment it turns green you start honking to glory as if you are the only one who is in a hurry or the only one who wants to move. If you do that you are a true Indian.

You like going to a pub and flirt around with girls, talk about them whether she is looking at you and stuff. You look at a girl and say check her out man to your friend, but at the same time you will not take your sister to a pub, super; you are a true Indian.

You talk about individualism, freedom of expression, freedom of choice and what not but end up getting married to a person of your parent’s choice, god damn, you are a true Indian.

You are at a movie hall, you read the message which says “please switch off you cell phones” and after some time you are on the phone telling the other person on the other end, “hey dude, I will call you back, I am in a movie hall”, hell yeah you are a true Indian.

You are driving on the city roads at about 10:30 PM and you think all the traffic rules cease to exist, amazing you are a true Indian.

You have a “baby on board” sticker on your car and drive at a breakneck speed, oh yeah you are a true Indian.

You are at a restaurant with friends and talk loudly as if you were the only people in the restaurant, oh super, you are a true Indian.

You call waiters as “yo”, “phis phis”, “boss” and treat them as if they were your servants, you are a true Indian.

You flush your own toilets but never bother to flush public toilets, you are a true Indian.

You are paid to work for 8 hours but consistently you work for 10-12 hours in a day in the office, brilliant, you are a true Indian.

You do not like people to talk anything about you but you love talking about others, oh yes you are a true Indian.

You have your opinion on everything but when someone gives you a feedback, you just can’t take it. Can’t say more you are a true Indian.

You treat auto rickshaw drivers as untouchables and shout at them for every traffic mistake as if the mistakes are always theirs’. Right on, you are a true Indian.

You keep saying that people should stop bringing their friends/family to the railway station or airports to see people off which according to you will help reduce the crowd, but at the same time you are more than happy to see off a friend. Seriously, you are a true Indian.

You know some guy who does not have problems talking to girls but you have, and you classify him as a flirt just because you can’t talk to girls. Disgustingly you are a true Indian.

You jump up and down the whole night in the name of religion but can’t bear a noise of a party going on next door. Heck, you are a true Indian.


feddabonn said…
all true. but is all of that fair?
not fair at all.

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