Comparison of the un-equals

Ever since I can remember, I have always thought that when you want to compare two things in life, you should first have them equal on some terms and then decide who is the best, otherwise its not a fair judgement. For example you cannot compare between a one rupee coin and a 10Rs note. They are not equal at the first place so therefore Rs 10 will always be higher in anything.
However, people can't seem to stop comparing things that are not equal at the first place. Like parents comparing their children with other people's children. First thing that they dont know or rather dont want to know is that their kid is different then others'. They can't seem to understand that, they always wonder whether their kid is lacking from others' or not. Why worry? let them be what they are and let your kid be what he/she is.
In a world where competition seems to be the second nature for survival, every kid is bound to be under pressure. Whether it is from their own parents or peers or both. Damn, why can't parents let their kids live the way they want to, why can't they let their kids do what they want to do in life. Well as far as I see, the parents have a lot at stake, first their own reputation in the society and then the expectation of letting their kid do everything that they have not done.
Has anyone wondered what happens to a kid who is always under pressure to perform? Nobody talks about what he/she wants to do in life or become in life. Its the parents who decides everything, right from what to study to selecting friends. Yes some may be right but not everyone is right all the time. My belief is that if someone has come to this planet he/she is bound to do something which has been decided by the ONE above. So let him/her find his/her own destiny, please do not force anyone. When someone can stand on his/her own and decide on what he/she wants to become, thats what I call being a self made person. An Individual who has his/her own identity made entirely by himself or herself. Thats what is called living and hanging on to what you want to be.
Open your mind and free yourself......


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