Constant changes
That's the only thing which is constant. CHANGE. Time, people, place, everything changes. Yet there are few things which do not change, like memory for example. When you think of someone or something, you will not see any changes, be it a place or person. Moving on is the only thing that mankind has learnt, improving on things, making life muc much easier. New innovations, new ideas to make anything better. It seems to be a race among countries and people to prove who has the best of the best living conditions. It's competition and it is good for mankind. Yet there are people who will protest about development. for example environment issues. That is understandable but how about protest saying that WE JUST DON'T WANT IT. It's not a full fledged out and out protest but it's a protest within people's attitude towards development. Yes, I am talking about my state Manipur. The so called "jewel of India" the so called "Paradise on Earth". The real...